Student Commuting Options


Do you commute to campus? Apply for your Commuter or Street Permit using the Online Permit Registration portal. Commuter parking permits authorize the holder to use the University parking lots during business hours.

Find additional info on our parking information page.


ORCA Bus Passes

Did you know that SPU offers discounted ORCA bus passes?

SPU offers students a 30% discount on one-zone and two-zone ORCA bus passes. This pass allows you to ride anywhere in your designated zone as often as desired making these passes perfect for those students that use the bus very regularly. The City of Seattle is one zone and all other areas outside the city but within King County are the second zone. Obtaining an ORCA pass is a three-month, quarterly commitment. All charges will be placed on your student account.

ORCA Bus Pass Rentals for infrequent use

The Associated Students of Seattle Pacific (ASSP) offers bus passes that can be checked out for occasional use from ASSP. More information can be found on ASSP’s website.

ORCA Card Options

One-Zone Peak ($2.75 fare)

  • King County’s monthly rate: $99
  • SPU’s discounted monthly rate: $69
  • SPU’s Autumn Quarter (3-month) rate: $207

Two-Zone Peak ($3.25 fare)

  • King County’s monthly rate: $117
  • SPU’s discounted monthly rate: $87
  • SPU’s Autumn Quarter (3-month) rate: $245

To apply, log into your Banner account using your SPU username and password. Select the “Personal Menu” option. Then open the “Parking and Commuting Menu” where you will be able to select the option to “Apply for an ORCA card.” Once you complete the application and agree to the terms and conditions, your order will be processed. You will receive an email when your card is ready for pick-up. We plan to offer similar discounted Metro bus passes in Winter and Spring quarters during 2019, but prices may change (e.g., if Metro raises their rates).


If you are a current SPU student, you can sign up for a discounted Zipcar membership as an SPU affiliate.

  1. Go to the main site at
  2. Click the “for Universities” tab on the top right side of the page.
  3. Find the small search bar on the right side of the page and type in “Seattle Pacific University” and select the school.
  4. Then on the right side again it will have two options: Select “join now” under “For Faculty and Staff.”
  5. From there you should be able to create a profile.

Questions? Contact the Transportation Manager at or 206-281-2821.